Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Application Woes

I sent in my transfer application yesterday. None of my friends are supporting me, but that's ok, I can see their points. The professor that is recommending me told me that he was offered an interview to teach there, years and years ago, but he never went because Geneseo hired him first. He said he's always felt a little wistful about it though, despite loving Geneseo. I knew he was the right professor to ask.
I can picture myself coming back next fall, I could stay here and be happy, but I'm curious. I would almost feel relieved at being rejected. It would be a Sign. Getting in would be really conflicting, because while there are things that I love about Geneseo, I'm pretty certain I'd go. The list of reasons to stay is short and cowardly, and I'd always have that same wistfulness, wondering what I missed out on. I shouldn't have told CWB about this, I felt so good about my decision until I did.


Lily said...

Even though your friends are being sucky and unsupportive, your family supports you all the way. You knew that, didn't you?

Bill said...

You really need to rein in your emotions, or at least stop using them to make decisions. See what happens, then make a rational decision, is that so hard?

Failing that, get different friends.

Caroline said...

it IS hard actually. i'm not saying i shouldn't rein in my emotions, but c'mon. you should've had robots instead of babies if all you wanted were rational decision makers.

Andrea said...

I don't recall robots being an option but seriously, you are torturing yourself unecessarily over this. You applied--good! Now see what happens and you can make a decision but stop making yourself and everyone else crazy and STOP talking to your friends about this. C'mon CLA, you keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Not gonna happen kiddo.

Bill said...

Is it too late to get robots? Damn! Can I have puppies?

Greg said...

And who's CWB? Is that a monniker like EGA's "Value Theory Lad"? Is it "Country-Western Boy"? Never trust anyone into Country-Western music; it always ends badly in those songs.

TCA said...

And the point of all this angst KNOW they're going to snap you up and then you have to do it and THEN you have to live in beat old Poughkeepsie

Lily said...

at least in Poughkeepsie, they have drugstores.