Monday, February 4, 2008

I need a pet hedgehog

I really really want a pet at school, Grace, and Nicole and Dana have snakes, Chelsea has a fish, I need a hedgehog. Vicky said I could get a pet, I really think a hedgehog is the way to go. What are some good names? I'm thinking Juniper, like the Russian short film "Hedgehog in the Fog".


Emily said...

Are hedgehogs even legal in the US?

Caroline said...

yeah, there's a breeder in north tonawanda.

Lily said...

ohmygodohmygodohmygod, those are the CUTEST hedgehogs EVER! Are you seriously going to get one? Or is this another "I want a baby" type deal? Cause if you are getting one, Juniper sounds great.

Unknown said...

They've got lots of very sharp teeth and terrible claws with which they rake their prey. Hedgehogs are known to be viscious and sadistic creatures, revelling in wanton destruction of their environments. A good name for your pet would be 'Lex Luthor'.

And they can't tell their mommy from a hairbrush.

TCA said...

I say get an echidna. They are sort of like hedgehogs but bigger and weirder. They would add to your fun by having every single person who saw it ask you> "What the heck is THAT?".

Emily said...

Plus, echidnas are mentioned in the classic TMBG song "Mammal."

Caroline said...

eew no. i want a hedgehog. i'm waiting until next year though, so we can properly bond.